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HostedTime is the only tool you will need to effectively manage costs, improve productivity, and grow your business. Whether your team is in-house, working from home, or on the go, our workforce management is built to support all your business needs.
HR Management
Message Center
Benefits Management
Labor Management

Workforce Mgmt Overview

Message Center
Communication with your team is vital. To improve communication efficiency, we've introduced a message center to the HostedTime mobile app. Send messages to a select few, or a mass message to the team. Finding a replacement for a call-out has never been easier.

HR Managment
Using the right HR management tools will help ensure all operations are efficient as possible. HostedTime offers better accuracy as well as tracking and reporting, helping you comply with ever-changing laws and avoid the costs found with manual processes or outdated technology.

Managers can view different data, such as punches, tardiness, and performance metrics, all in real time using HostedTime's Dashboard. Run reports using real time data to find trends using a multitude of filters or indicators.

Benefits Management
With HostedTime, all of your employees' benefits, such as PTO or extended absences, can easily be tracked. HostedTime will apply specific business rules assigned to employees to ensure efficient and accurate pay and benefit accruing.
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